Consignment Sale Shopping

Consignment sale shopping is about some of the best advice I ever got.  Yes orginally when you found out you were going to be a parent, you hit the internet and the stores so that your precious little cherub gets everything bright, shiny and new.  But then you wise up.  Consignment Sale shopping is an event.  And if you’re anything like my friends…we make a morning of it.  Lots of fun to grab some coffee and then be amongst the first 10 people in line at the Half-Pint ReSale coming up next month.  I’ve found brand new toys still in the box, brand names on clothes, winter gear, pajamas…you name it.  It’s there.  I usually pick up Everett’s next season and next size of clothes.  When I leave there…he’s pretty much set.  A sale I found for the first time last year is coming up this’s the Just Between Friends Sale.  I specifically was SO happy with their shoe selection and their amazing amount of books!  Both are great for parents of any number of kids and really great for grandparents if they’d like to have a stroller or a high chair or a Pack N Play at their house when their grandbabies come to visit.  So smart.  Cheers to saving tons of cash and gettin’ lots of goodies.