Oh Baby!

Good news from the Hansen household!  There’s going to be a new addition.  Roman Frederick will be Everett’s little brother and his ETA is August 28th.  Now that I’m of ‘Advanced Maternal Age’ things are a little more achey and I’m a little slower, but I’m so happy and feel very blessed to be able to be welcoming a healthy baby boy into our family. 

I do want to say this though, if you’re working on starting or expanding your family and haven’t had success, my heart hurts with you.  I’m not going to say anything like, “You’ll get there someday,” or “keep trying, it’ll happen,” because I know those phrases well and although they’re said with love, you still want to flick the nose of the person saying it.  I didn’t go into either pregnancy with fairy wings and rainbows.  Both had to be planned out with the help of doctors.  We’ve experienced loss and the disappointment that came along with every month somehow managing to get your hopes up just to have them crash down in front of you.  So I don’t share my news lightly.  We are very well aware of our fortune and don’t take that for granted one second. 

So, I stood in line and willingly got on this ride.  I’m ready for it and hopefully in four months, the world will stand still for a moment as I get to meet my sweet baby, Roman, and kiss his wrinkly forehead.