My New Nephew

I am feeling so blessed to be able to share with you the arrival of my sweet nephew, Nathaniel James. Notice I didn’t use the word ‘little’ in his description? This gorgeous boy was born on July 20th weighing 10 pounds, 8.6 ounces and was 22 inches long. I’ve looked, but there are no greeting cards that say “Congratulations, you have a six week-old!”
I’m just beside myself with love and gratitude for him and my brother and sister-in-law. It’s been almost two years since they allowed their son, Sammy, to earn his angel wings and fly. I’m sure Nathaniel will hear all about his brother and feel his presence often. And come the teenage years … none of us will mind that he’ll have quite the guardian angel when he makes the dumb choices that teenagers ‘sometimes’ make. ?