Half Way!

Baby weight, be (half) gone!  Twenty pounds down, 20 to go!  I've really been concentrating on the food ... now it's time to get my butt back into my running shoes and hit my beloved Madison bike paths, trails and routes.  I haven't been letting weight loss rule my world, just concentrating on portion control and not snacking on sweets at night.  And when your neighbor works for Nabisco and regularly drops off packages of Oreos, that's not an easy task.  

This is truly the way to do it - a pound a week or so.  If you're looking for a magical weight loss shake, pill or program to help you drop the pounds ... stop.  This is real life.  Find a way that works for you and stick to it.  Heavy proteins.  Heavy veggies.  Low carbs.  Low sugar.  Burn more calories than you take in and your scale will show you something you don't mind rather than wanting to throw it across the room (and down the stairs and into the path of a speeding semi).  So, this is where it gets interesting ... the last haul.  I'm ready for my clothes to fit the way they used to and that's definitely a pull in the right direction.  I dare you to try to lose 20 pounds with me.  GO!