Fletch’s Blog: May Soliloquy 2.0
What a difference a year can make! A year ago, the beginning of May, it was cold and wet and all around blech-y. And it upset me. So I chastised May, I excoriated May, because it had been bad! I gave it a good talkin’-to. Here’s what I said a year ago on May 1
“Oh May, what have you become? For all my life, my favorite month, let me count the ways.
The weather, like a soft kiss.
The beginning of fishing season, many family birthdays.
Flowers and trees and little baby birds, bursting out everywhere.
But, May, with your new style of cold and rain, you have left me wanting! So wanting!
For years now, May, you have laid down, abandoning your role as a glorious ramp
from April to June, giving up your duties as the most beautiful month of the year.
So let-down I am, by you, my lovely month of May, that I wonder… if you shouldn’t be re-named… as May Not?”
Seeing the glorious weather we’re supposed to have for this first weekend in May, I have to believe that talkin’-to stuck!
Hear Fletcher Keyes on the Magic Morning Show with Lanette Hansen! Read more of his blogs here.