Community Action Page

This Community Action Page is a resource for people in our communities: those who are feeling marginalized or in need of assistance, and those who would like to help their neighbors. The links below will take you to each organization’s website. The text below is taken from mission statements and descriptions of the work each organization does. Following “Good Places to Start,” information is in alphabetical order by topic.

These are by no means the only organizations that exist to help, or for which you can volunteer. More will be added in days and weeks to come. If there’s one you’d like us to know about right away, please e-mail

Good Places to Start

Boys and Girls Clubs of Dane County: “Boys and Girls Clubs of Dane County will inspire and empower all young people, especially those who need us the most, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring adults.… Boys and Girls Clubs of Dane County commits to improving the well-being of youth, families, and communities, through innovation and collaboration, ensuring high-quality programming and services.”

Catholic Multicultural Center: “The Catholic Multicultural Center is dedicated to helping our brothers and sisters in need by serving the whole person with dignity and respect. We accomplish this mission by meeting immediate needs, providing educational services, and offering spiritual and cultural activities.”

Community Action Coalition for South Central Wisconsin: “Community Action Coalition for South Central Wisconsin is a nonprofit working to end poverty and help people live better lives.… All people deserve a place to call home.… We won’t rest until there’s food on every table.… When others step out, we step in to help people thrive.”

Society of St. Vincent de Paul—Madison: The Society of St. Vincent de Paul—Madison is a membership organization of 400+ staff and volunteers dedicated to helping our neighbors in need. Our member volunteers conduct in-person home visits with people experiencing financial hardship and offer resources, hope and friendship without regard to race, ethnicity, religious belief, gender or other characteristics unrelated to the needs. ”

United Way of Dane County: “United Way of Dane County is part of a global network that mobilizes communities to action so all can thrive.… From advancing health and education to strengthening livelihoods and local resilience, we harness the caring power of every neighbor to connect more people to possibility.”

Abortion Care

Aid Access: “The purpose of the Aid Access website and service is to create social justice and improve the health status and human rights of women who do not have the possibility of accessing local abortion services.”

Digital Defense Fund Guide to Abortion Privacy: “Digital Defense Fund was established in 2017 in response to the increased need for security and technology resources in the abortion rights movement after the 2016 election. In 2023, DDF expanded its mission to provide support to all movements working alongside one another for autonomy and liberation. DDF is a multidisciplinary team of organizers, engineers, designers, abortion fund and practical support volunteers. We bring our own personal histories with abortion access, Trans rights, disability rights, harm reduction, and technology together to build for the people we love working with and learning from.”

ProPublica Guide to Abortion Care: “Our yearlong investigation found that abortion laws are affecting how physicians treat pregnancy loss and other complications because the procedures used in these cases are also used for abortions. We spoke to women who survived terrifying experiences, and we interviewed family members of those who died without care. They all felt unprepared as they entered emergency rooms, unaware of how abortion laws were reaching into pregnancy care. They wished they had known what to expect and how to advocate for themselves and their loved ones. We created this guide for them and anyone who finds themselves in the same position.

WMF Wisconsin: “WMF [Women’s Medical Fund] supports Wisconsin residents who have an abortion (either in or outside of Wisconsin) and people from neighboring states who have an abortion at a Wisconsin clinic…. WMF Wisconsin works to fill the gaps in abortion access by providing financial assistance to Wisconsin residents who need an abortion but cannot afford the full cost.”

African American Communities

Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness: “The Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness is a Wisconsin based non-profit organization committed to mobilizing African American women to pursue and sustain mind-body-spirit wellness, and to raise the visibility and support of Black women’s health as a community and public health priority.… We work to eliminate health disparities and other barriers impacting the lives of Black women and their families and communities.”

Urban Triage: “Our goal is to promote positive health outcomes and reduce significant health disparities at the community level. We do this through meeting basic needs and then engaging communities through educational opportunities and effective advocacy at multiple levels. We stand in the gap for those most in need through advocacy, transformative education, and critical coordinated services between partner organizations, city officials, and community resources.”

Crisis Care

211 Wisconsin: “Whether you’re seeking a food pantry, utility assistance, substance use services, housing help, mental health supports, a safe haven from domestic violence, or other local services, dial 211. Our trained specialists are good listeners, offering a friendly ear and easy access to information and local referrals so you can get answers and get help.

988 Lifeline: “At the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, we understand that life’s challenges can sometimes be difficult. Whether you’re facing mental health struggles, emotional distress, alcohol or drug use concerns, or just need someone to talk to, our caring counselors are here for you. You are not alone.”

Canopy Center: “Our mission is to help strengthen families and support children, teens and adults impacted by trauma and adversity.”

Crisis Text Line: “Crisis Text Line provides free, 24/7, high-quality text-based mental health support and crisis intervention by empowering a community of trained volunteers to support people in their moments of need. We are a nonjudgmental organization that champions equity in mental well-being and aims to support people of every race, ethnicity, political affiliation, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, socioeconomic status, and other diverse backgrounds. We use empathy and active listening to empower our texters to identify their own strengths and coping strategies in moments of crisis. We listen to and learn from our community to help us continuously improve our service.”

Directory of Wisconsin Suicide Hotlines: “If you are suicidal, have attempted suicide, or are a suicide survivor, you will find help, hope, comfort, understanding,
support, love, and extensive resources here.”

Disaster Distress Helpline: “The helpline puts people in need of counseling on the path to recovery. When you call or text, crisis counselors listen to what’s on your mind with patience and without judgment. DDH is staffed by trained counselors from a network of crisis call centers located across the United States, who provide crisis counseling for people in emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster; information on how to recognize distress and its effects on individuals and families; referrals to local crisis call centers for additional followup care and support; and healthy coping tips.”

Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS): “Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (or DAIS) believes that a world free from violence is possible. We work to make Dane County, WI, a safer, more just, more equitable place for people who have experienced domestic violence, their children, and the people who love them.”

Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool Fund: “The mission of the Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool Fund (KWW/CF) is to keep the heat and power on for those most in need in every community in Wisconsin. We value the generous public, private, business and individual support that provides preventative services and the financial assistance necessary to avert energy-related crisis situations or homelessness and keeps those served safely in their homes.”

Democracy Protection

Protect Democracy: “National events and their impacts on our families and our loved ones, can feel overwhelming. We may feel a sense of fear and helplessness. In the face of so much, how can we possibly get through it—much less make a difference? There is good news: Regular citizens are the ones best suited to strengthen our democracy. This is especially true at the local level, where our sphere of influence is greatest.”


Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development: “The Department’s primary responsibilities include providing job services, training and employment assistance to people looking for work, at the same time as it works with employers on finding the necessary workers to fill current job openings.”

Food Banks

Dane County Food Pantry Network: “The Dane County Food Pantry Network (DCFPN) is a group of approximately 50 food pantries, meal sites, and shelters throughout Dane County. These agencies receive food and technical support from the [Community Action Coalition’s (CAC)] Food Security Division.”

River Food Pantry: “Food, resources, and faith to build a stronger community.… a fully nourished community.”

Second Harvest Food Bank of Southern Wisconsin: “Second Harvest exists to end hunger in southwestern Wisconsin,” working to ensure that “everyone in our community has enough nutritious food to thrive.”

Health Care

Mask Bloc.Org: “Mask Blocs are independent mutual aid groups providing high quality masks to their community for free. They may also provide other tools and information about COVID-19, clean air, testing, vaccination and accessibility.”


ACLU Immigrant Rights: “Regardless of your immigration status, you have guaranteed rights under the Constitution. Learn more here about your rights as an immigrant, and how to express them.”

Centro Hispano: The agency works to empower youth, strengthen families, and engage the community by fostering connection, acting with mutual respect and dignity, creating and advancing opportunities for all, living with courage, and demonstrating integrity, to create a county “where Latinx families can aspire upward to reach personal and professional goals while feeling engaged and strengthened with the tools for success.”

Dane County Immigration Affairs: “Various factors contributed to the creation of the office, including the political climate. The political atmosphere against the immigrant community created fear and anxiety for the immigrant community and the organizations working with them. There was recognition that many agencies in our community were unfamiliar with immigration policies and procedures…. All social service providers are bilingual (English/Spanish) and bicultural….Through partnerships with community organizations, Immigration Affairs proudly assists immigrants and refugees in Dane County.”

Open Doors for Refugees: “Open Doors for Refugees welcomes refugees to the Madison area by helping them make a home, celebrating their cultures and contributions, and accelerating their progress towards self-reliance and community involvement.”

What Immigrant Communities Should Know About Their Rights: “Our U.S. Constitution, our Bill of Rights, guarantees rights to everybody [who is] in the United States.… It’s not just citizens, it’s not just people who are born here. It’s not even just people who are legally here. It’s everybody.”


GSAFE: “GSAFE creates just schools for LGBTQ+ youth in Wisconsin. We do this by developing the leadership of LGBTQ+ youth, supporting Gay-Straight Alliances, training educators, advancing educational justice, and deepening racial, gender, trans, and social justice.”

OutReach LBBTQ+ Community Center: “Our mission is a commitment to equity and quality of life for all LGBTQ+ people through community building, health and human services, and economic, social, and racial justice advocacy. Our vision is to create a community where the presence and contributions of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender people are welcomed and celebrated; where intolerance is challenged and defeated; where justice prevails; and where civil rights of all people are valued and respected.”

Trans Lifeline: “Trans Lifeline connects trans people to the community support and resources we need to survive and thrive. We envision a world where trans people have the connection, economic security, and care everyone needs and deserves—free of prisons and police.”

Transgender Law Center: “Transgender Law Center is the largest national, trans-led organization working to set all people free. We champion the right of all transgender and gender-nonconforming people to make their own choices and live freely, safely, and authentically.”

Trevor Project LGBTQ+ Suicide Hotline: “Our trained counselors understand the challenges LGBTQ+ young people face and are available for support 24/7. They will listen without judgment. When you text, chat, or call, all of your conversations are confidential, and you can share as much or as little as you’d like.”

Online Security

National Cybersecurity Alliance: “We advocate for the safe use of all technology and educate everyone on how best to protect ourselves, our families, and our organizations from cybercrime.”

Workers and Tenants Rights

MadworC: “MadWorC is a membership organization of worker-owned and operated cooperatives and their supporters. Our mission is to support and build the solidarity economy in the Madison area by promoting worker ownership and democratically controlled workplaces. We provide cooperative education, development support, peer networking, and technical assistance towards growing an ecosystem of worker-owned cooperatives, which can mutually support each other while building racial, gender, and economic justice in our communities.”

Tenant Resource Center: “Our mission is to advocate for housing justice and thriving communities.…The goal of housing justice is to meet all communities’ needs, not merely the needs of the privileged. It means high-quality, safe housing for all genders, races, ethnicities, disabilities, ages, and more. It means the end of housing discrimination, as we fight until every last person is housed as they need and as they choose.”

Worker Justice Wisconsin: “Worker Justice Wisconsin advances justice in our community by building collective worker power together with Faith and Labor allies. We partner with low-wage and immigrant non-unionized workers in their struggle for dignity at work.”

Are there organizations and/or resources that should be featured on this page but are not? Tell us. E-mail