Mom Fail: Amy From Madison

Amy from Madison overestimated her kidā€™s academic ability.

Mom Fail: Jen From Madison

Jen from Madison should have told her daughter the correct words to the song.

Mom Fail: Lily From Cottage Grove

Lily from Cottage Grove needs to keep better track of what her kids are watching.

Mom Fail: Kathleen From Verona

Kathleen from Verona over-caffeinated her toddler.

Mom Fail: Carly From Madison

Carly from Madison needs to concentrate on one thing at a time.

Mom Fail: Vanessa From Middleton

Vanessa from Middleton needs to hear the entire question before answering.

Mom Fail: Charlotte From Madison

Charlotte from Madison should have found a better hiding spot.

Mom Fail: Alicia From Mazomanie

Alicia from Mazomanie forgot to teach the entire lesson.Ā 

Mom Fail: Maria From Madison

Maria from Madison needs to improve her culinary skills.

Mom Fail: Maggie From Madison

Maggie from Madison hates thumb wars.