Lanette’s Lazy Recipes
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Growing up, we LOVED breakfast-for-dinner nights. This is so good,...
Just dump everything in the crockpot. It’s so dang lazy....
Frozen hash brown patties, 30 minutes to bake, Christmas morning...
Sausage and potatoes with spring veggies. I had Brussels sprouts...
It’s got only a few ingredients, you cook it all...
A few ingredients in a crockpot and you’ve got leftovers...
Almost as easy as take-out. Get the recipe and see...
Crockpot recipes sure do the trick this time of year....
This is almost too lazy. Get the recipe and see...
My son, who swore off meatloaf, loves this. Get the...
This one has couple more ingredients than usual, but it’s...
You’re four ingredients away from a delicious and lazy fall...
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